The functionality for using the dmdScheme
is available
either via the online app (which can also be run on an in-house shiny
server), a local running app, or via the R command line. The simplest
method is using the online app, as no additional software needs to be
installed locally. To be able to use the dmdScheme
functionality locally, either via the app or via the R command line, it
is necessary to install R and
the dmdScheme
In the following section, I will go through the different stages of
using the dmdScheme
via the web app, a local app or the R
prompt. The detailed commands which have to be used can be found in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Workflow of using dmdScheme
via the web app, (B) via the app locally, (C) via the R prompt. Square
boxes indicate steps which are not common to all three, rounded boxes
indicate steps identical to the different ways, although how they are
executed can differ.
The app (Figure 2) can be accessed either via the internet as a web
app at,
or locally. To run it locally, you need R and the dmdScheme
package installed. After loading the dmdScheme
package, you
can start the app locally by running run_app()
at the R
prompt. After these steps, the usage of the two apps is identical.
When using the dmdScheme
from the command line, the
initial setup is the same as running the app locally, only that it is
not necessary to start the app.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the dmdScheme app.
The package dmdScheme
does not come with a specific
scheme, and installs upon loading a generic dmdScheme from the dmdScheme
scheme repository at
In nearly all circumstances, a specific scheme needs to be installed,
together with the accompanying R package. In the app, this is done via
selecting a theme in the section “Available dmdSchemes”. This list is
populated automatically upon starting of the app from the schemes
available in the scheme repository. The selection of the scheme will
download the scheme definition package, install any accompanying R
package as specified in the scheme definition package, load the
accompanying R package, and activate the scheme definition.
To do this from the R prompt, one has do these steps manually and install the scheme, install the accompanying R package, load the accompanying R package, and activate the scheme itself (see Figure 1 C for the commands).
The spreadsheet to enter the metadata can be obtained from the app
via the “Empty scheme spreadsheet” button. This will download an
spreadsheet containing the definition of the scheme
and the cells for the metadata which need to be filled in.
In R, the spreadsheet can be obtained by using the
Figure 3 shows two screenshots of the spreadsheet as opened in Excel.
Figure 3: Some example tabs from the
spreadsheet. The first to contains bibliometric
metadata modelled along the requirements by DataCite and the authors in
the second tab. The third one contains metadata about the Species used
in the experiment. The complete spreadsheet can be found in the
supplemental material emeScheme.xlsx
The entering of the metadata is done in the spreadsheet downloaded before. The spreadsheet contains the definition of the scheme as well as all information needed to fill in the metadata, including “type” of the metadata (e.g. numeric, character, or boolean), “allowed values” or “suggested values”, “unit” as well as a “Description” field.
Metadata can be entered in all green cells, while all red cells are (should be) locked and are part of the scheme definition.
Here the familiarity of researchers with spreadsheets plays an important role, as the technical details of the entering itself do not need to be explained as it is a standard spreadsheet.
The metadata in the .xlsx
file can be entered and edited
in likely all spreadsheet programs which can read and write
files. We tested successfully Excel, Pages, Libre
Office and Google Docs.
A spreadsheet as frontend for entering the metadata offers the
additional possibilities to specify validation rules within the
spreadsheet itself to be checked during the entering process and not
only afterwards. As we wanted to maintain the flexibility to edit the
spreadsheet in different spreadsheet editors in a consistent way, this
is not implemented in the dmdScheme
, but could be easily done in other schemes.
To be able to validate the metadata, the validation needs access to the metadata as well as (in most cases) the data files themselves, as the validation can include checking for complete definition of the column names in tables, as implemented in the @Krug2019b. Consequentially, the metadata as well as the data needs to be uploaded to the app, which is done via the “Upload spreadsheet containing metadata” and the “Upload datafiles” buttons. In the case of the web app, these are uploaded to the server running the app (in this case, which is run by RStudio Inc.).
If there are e.g. confidentiality or size reasons why an upload to a server is not an option, one could host an in-house shiny server, which would run the shiny server and the app. The other option would be to use the local app, in which case the metadata and data remain on the local computer. Nevertheless, the data is copied into a different directory. If for example size constraints would prohibit that approach, one can use the R prompt. In this case, the validation function does not need to do any copying of the data, and only needs the path to the directory in which the data resides.
After completion of the validation, the app (web or local) downloads
a report, in the default setting an html report. Optional, the report
could be a word docx
document or a pdf
The report (see Figure 4) does show errors (which normally should be fixed), warnings, which are not as critical as errors and should be assessed one by one, and notes. The level of details, and aspects validated, in this report depends on the validation function, which can be changed in the accompanying R package.
The editing - validation cycle should be repeated until the report is satisfactory.
On the R prompt, the validation involve the two commands
and report()
to validate the
spreadsheet and to create the report from the object resulting from the
Figure 4: Example validation report, as cfrom the
validation included in the emeScheme
package [@Krug2019b].
In the app, the xml can be obtained by using the “Export to xml”
button. Depending on the export functionality implemented for the
selected scheme (as defined in the accompanying R package), the file
returned is an .xml
file (dmdScheme
) or a
compressed archive (.tar.gz
) containing multiple
files (e.g. for the emeScheme
, one per
data file). On the R prompt, the command write_xml()
export to a single (dmdScheme
) or multiple
files (emeScheme
) and return the names(s)
of the file(s) exported.
The package dmdScheme
is a base package for the usage
and development of domain specific metadata schemes. It provides
functionality to enter the metadata, validate the entered metadata, and
export it to xml format for further processing by e.g. archival
repositories. This document will give an overview over the
package and what it contains.
The recommended way is to install from the R-Universe which always contains the last stable version:
# Enable universe by uzh-peg
options(repos = c(
uzhpeg = '',
CRAN = ''))
# Install dmdScheme
To install the master branch, the stable branch which will become the new CRAN release, from the dmdScheme repository on github, run
## install the remotes package if not installed yet
if (require("remotes")) {
devtools::install_github("UZH-PEG/dmdScheme", ref = "master", build_opts = NULL)
If you are feeling adventurous, want to live at the bleeding edge and can live with possibly non-working features, you can install the dev branch. This branch is not stable and features and functionality can appear or be removed without prior notice. This is, unless there is a really good reason, not recommended for production use:
## install the remotes package if not installed yet
if (require("remotes")) {
devtools::install_github("UZH-PEG/dmdScheme", ref = "dev", build_opts = NULL)
Other branches are not generally recommended for installation unless
you are involved in dmdScheme
package development.
When you load the package, the definition of the scheme is downloaded from the dmdScheme repository installed to a temporary scheme library in a temporary directory for usage in this R session. As this scheme library is stored in a temporary directory, it will be deleted when you quit your R session and it will be re-downloaded each time you start a new session and load the package. To create a permanent package library you have to create a cache in the user directory. To do this, run
and restart your R session. Now the definitions of the installed
will be installed in this user cache and be
available permanently. For further info, see the documentation of the
command cache()
Once the package is loaded, the default scheme definition from the package is installed and used.
There are several commands to manage installed schemes. All these
commands start with scheme_
These are in detail:
returns the default scheme and version, i.e. the one with which the
dmdScheme package is based. This can be the dmdScheme
package itself, or a package created with
Get or set scheme repository. If repo
is specified, the
scheme repository to be used is set. Otherwise, the scheme repository
used is only returned.
Show all schemes and version available in a repo. The defaut repo is
The function reads and simply returns the file
in the folder schemes
in the repository.
Download a scheme definition from the repo set and stores in the destfile. The function returns the fully qualified file name to the downloaded file invisibly.
Install a new scheme definition. In the normal usecase, this function
uses scheme_download()
to download the scheme definition
from the default github
repository and installs it. The usage is
Installs the accompanying R package of the same name as the scheme. This does only install the package - it still needs to be loaded to be used!
Shows the installed schemes.
Activate the scheme NAME
with version
Shows the currently active scheme.
Returns the path to the index template. The search order is:
(not the acompanying package!).scheme_path_xlsx()
Returns the path to the xlsx
file included in the scheme
Returns the path to the xml
file included in the scheme
Uninstall an installed scheme. The scheme definition, is deleted from the scheme library, and moved to a temporary flder which wil be deleted at the end of the R session.
Return TRUE
, if the scheme is installed
This function is used to package a new scheme.
To enter new data to the dmdScheme
, you have to run the
This will open Excel and the file should look similar to this, when looking at the second tab as in Figure 3.
The following points are important to remember:
After entering the data, save it to a location for further processing.
Next, you have to import the data entered in the Excel sheet into R.
For simplicity, we use here a file included in the package. If you want
to load your own file, replace scheme_path_xlsx()
with the
file name and path to that file.
x <- read_excel(
file = scheme_path_xlsx(),
verbose = TRUE
#> Transposing MdBibliometric...
#> Processing propertySet : MdBibliometric
#> Set names...
#> Set attributes...
#> Apply types...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'uploadType'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'doi'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'publicationDate'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'title'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'description'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'version'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'language'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'keywords'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'additionalNotes'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'accessRights'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'accessRightsInfo'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'license'...
#> Set class...
#> Done
#> Processing propertySet : MdAuthors
#> Set names...
#> Set attributes...
#> Apply types...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'authorID'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'familyName'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'givenName'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'affiliation'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'orcid'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'role'...
#> Set class...
#> Done
#> Transposing Experiment...
#> Processing propertySet : Experiment
#> Set names...
#> Set attributes...
#> Apply types...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'name'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'temperature'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'light'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'humidity'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'incubator'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'container'...
#> Apply type 'numeric' to 'microcosmVolume'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'mediaType'...
#> Apply type 'numeric' to 'mediaConcentration'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'cultureConditions'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'comunityType'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'mediaAdditions'...
#> Apply type 'integer' to 'duration'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'comment'...
#> Set class...
#> Done
#> Processing propertySet : Genus
#> Set names...
#> Set attributes...
#> Apply types...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'speciesID'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'colour'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'density'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'functionalGroup'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'comment'...
#> Set class...
#> Done
#> Processing propertySet : Treatments
#> Set names...
#> Set attributes...
#> Apply types...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'treatmentID'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'treatmentLevelHeight'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'comment'...
#> Set class...
#> Done
#> Processing propertySet : Measurement
#> Set names...
#> Set attributes...
#> Apply types...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'measurementID'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'variable'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'method'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'unit'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'object'...
#> Apply type 'integer' to 'noOfSamplesInTimeSeries'...
#> Apply type 'numeric' to 'samplingVolume'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'dataExtractionID'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'measuredFrom'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'comment'...
#> Set class...
#> Done
#> Processing propertySet : DataExtraction
#> Set names...
#> Set attributes...
#> Apply types...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'dataExtractionID'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'method'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'parameter'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'value'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'comment'...
#> Set class...
#> Done
#> Processing propertySet : DataFileMetaData
#> Set names...
#> Set attributes...
#> Apply types...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'dataFileName'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'columnName'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'columnData'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'mappingColumn'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'type'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'description'...
#> Apply type 'character' to 'comment'...
#> Set class...
#> Done
The verbose = TRUE
argument will produce messages which
will show you what is happening and will help to identify problems.
Data can be printed by using the
function. The function has three arguments which
control the printout:
: if TRUE
(default) print the
basic attributes prefixed with A
: if TRUE
print the
all attributes prefixed with X
: if TRUE
(default) print the
data prefixed with D
printAttr = FALSE,
printExtAttr = FALSE,
printData = FALSE
#> dmdScheme - dmdSchemeSet
#> MdBibliometric - dmdSchemeData
#> MdAuthors - dmdSchemeData
#> Experiment - dmdSchemeData
printAttr = TRUE,
printExtAttr = FALSE,
printData = FALSE
#> dmdScheme - dmdSchemeSet
#> MdBibliometric - dmdSchemeData
#> A Names : uploadType | doi | publicationDate | title | description | version | language | keywords | additionalNotes | accessRights | accessRightsInfo | license
#> A Units :
printAttr = TRUE,
printExtAttr = TRUE,
printData = FALSE
#> dmdScheme - dmdSchemeSet
#> MdBibliometric - dmdSchemeData
#> A Names : uploadType | doi | publicationDate | title | description | version | language | keywords | additionalNotes | accessRights | accessRightsInfo | license
#> A Units :
printAttr = TRUE,
printExtAttr = TRUE,
printData = TRUE
#> dmdScheme - dmdSchemeSet
#> MdBibliometric - dmdSchemeData
#> A Names : uploadType | doi | publicationDate | title | description | version | language | keywords | additionalNotes | accessRights | accessRightsInfo | license
#> A Units :
The metadata in the spreadsheet can be validated by using the
following command and which results in an object of class
validate( scheme_path_xlsx() )
#> Validating Experiment
#> Validating MdBibliometric
#> Validating MdAuthors
#> Validating Genus
#> Validating Treatments
#> Validating Measurement
#> Validating DataExtraction
#> Validating DataFileMetaData
#> $error
#> [1] 3
#> $details
To create a report (html, pdf or docx) yo can use the
which will open a html report in your browser.
You can export the data to an an xml_document
object as
defined in the xml2
package to do further processing:
x <- read_excel( scheme_path_xlsx() )
xml <- as_xml( x, file = xmlFile)
#> {xml_document}
#> <dmdScheme fileName="dmdScheme_0.9.9.xlsx" dmdSchemeName="dmdScheme" dmdSchemeVersion="0.9.9" propertyName="dmdScheme" output="metadata">
#> [1] <MdBibliometricList>\n <MdBibliometric>\n <uploadType>Dataset</upload ...
#> [2] <MdAuthorsList>\n <MdAuthors authorID="1">\n <authorID>1</authorID>\n ...
You can save the xml to a file by using
or directly in one command
This package contains all the functionality to easily create a new metadata scheme. The resulting scheme package will contain all files needed so that it can be easily be distributed and used, and can be either be distributed directly or uploaded to an online repository, e.g. the default dmdScheme repository.
A new scheme definition only has to include the scheme definition and example data. It can also contain additional examples and an R script to install the accompanying R package, but these are not required.
To create the scheme itself (as shown in Figure 5), it is recommended
to begin with an existing scheme. It is possible to edit most aspects in
the scheme definition xlsx
file, including adding or
deleting tabs (only the Experiment and DataFileProperties tabs are
needed), adding or removing rows (“vertical” tabs like e.g. the
Experiment tab) or columns (horizontal (other) tabs), changing the
types, suggested values, allowed values and units. If the
file is locked, you can unlock it by using the
password test
It is important that the final scheme contains example data as -
internal processing of the .xlsx
file require example data
and will fail if a scheme without example data is provided, and - it is
much more user friendly if the user of a package not only sees the empty
scheme, but also a filled in scheme with example data.
This .xlsx
file can be edited following the limitations
as specified below. After modifications have been done and the
spreadsheet has been saved, the scheme package can be created by
which will create a file named NAME_VERSION.tar.gz
the directory path
based on the scheme definition in
are the scheme name and scheme version as specified in the cell
in sheet Experiment
The following two commands will install the new scheme and use it:
To upload the scheme to the main repository on github, please either clone the repo and send a pull request or file an issue with the scheme package as an attachment.
There are a few minimum requirements for dmdScheme
derived metadata schemes, so that all functions in the
package will work.
These are:
Tab name has to be identical to propertySet
(Cell A:2
in the tab Experiment, B:1
in other
The tab named Experiment
is required. This tab is
different to the others as it has
The tabs MdBibliometric
and MdAuthors
are required as they contain all the bibliometric and author
The tab named DataFileMetaData
is required
Each tab except Experiment
and MdBibliometric
needs an
ID field Applies to all tabs except Experiment
.The spreadsheet can contain a tab DOCUMENTATION
This tab can contain information for the user and will not be
Figure 5: Create a new domain specific scheme based on dmdScheme.
The package dmdScheme
package is only providing the base
functionality for working with dmdSchemes. In many cases, the
functionality needs to be extended to be able to work with other
schemes. This can be done by creating an accompanying R package. It is a
standard R package which has to
package (as it extends it’s
capabilities), andIt is not necessary to build an accompanying R package, but doing so will make it possible to adapt many aspects of the validation and export process to the needs of a specific domain.
The easiest method to develop an accompanying R package is to - use
to activate a new scheme for which the
accompanying package should be developed - use the convenience function
to create a package skeleton which
fulfils these requirements
Now, functions can be added. For an example see,
in which the methods as_xml_list.emeSchemeSet.R
extend the generic functions
and validate()
The aim of an index file is, to giva a short and concise overview over the data package deposited. It should contain certain metadata points, e.g. the DOI, authors, license, description, file name(s) of data file(s) and whatever else is considered necessary, to get a basic understanding of the data set.
The index file is created based on a text template, in which tokens
are stand for metadata values from the a dmdScheme
. These
are replaced with the actual metadata properties when calling the
make_index( x = A_dmdScheme, template = "the/index/template/file.txt)
If asked for, the resulting index file is translated to pdf and html by
using pandoc.
Tokens are enclosed by%%...%%
and must not contain any
white spaces (tab, space, …).
The following tokens are allowed at the moment:
: replace with the propertySet
as a tablepropertySet.valueProperty
: replace with the
valueProperty (column) from a propertySet as a comma separated list%%propertySet.valueProperty.N%%
replace with the Nth valueProperty from a propertySet%%propertySet.*.N%%
*: replace with the
Nth row from a propertySetIf the token starts with an %%!fun!xxx%%
, the R function
is executed and the result is inserted in the index
file. For example %%!unique!DataFileMetaData.dataFileName%%
would only return a vector containing the unique
Special tokens are tokens which do not extract data from the metadata scheme. There are at the moment only two:
: will be replaced with the
current date%%AUTHOR%%
: will be replaced with the
author as supplied to the function